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Ex-general fears Syria 'collapse'

24 December 2012 Last updated at 02:08 GMT Professor Sir Paul Newton A sudden Syrian state collapse could lead to a period of Islamic insurgency, Professore Sir Paul Newton has warned. Sending Western troops into Syria too soon could create a power vacuum and a "sudden, uncontrolled state collapse", a retired British general has warned.

Prof Sir Paul Newton said weapons of mass destruction could fall into the wrong hands if the state disintegrated.

His warning comes in a report co-authored with three other Exeter University academics.

Foreign Secretary William Hague has said he would not "rule out any option to save lives" in Syria.

Sir Paul, a former lieutenant general, was part of a strategic military planning team and helped conduct operations in Afghanistan, Kosovo, East Timor, Northern Ireland and Sierra Leone during 38 years in the Army..

The report - written along with Professor Gareth Stansfield, Dr Andrew Rathmell and Professor Jonathan Githens-Mazer - concludes that premature military action by the West could lead to the increased destabilisation of the already volatile situation in Syria.


"Although it may appear attractive in the short-term, the one scenario that must be avoided is sudden, uncontrolled state collapse," Sir Paul insisted.

He added: "This may seem like a paradox given the pressing need to end humanitarian suffering and the risk of the conflict spreading. However, it could be catastrophic.

"If unmanaged disintegration of the Syrian state were to occur, access to weapons of mass destruction would be uncontrolled," he warned.

The 56-year-old, now a director at the University of Exeter's Strategy and Security Institute, believes the recruitment of members of President Assad's regime into the government which replaces it could be vital in avoiding the kind of insurgency activity which dogged Iraq after the 2003 conflict.

'Insurgent threat'

It is feared any power vacuum created by a premature military intervention could be filled by al-Qaeda-linked jihadi groups.

"Without a clear and pre-emptive assurance of amnesty or a similar guarantee for the vast majority of the regime's security apparatus there would also be the prospect of a bitter and protracted insurgent threat in Syria.

"The people with 'blood on their hands' are quite capable of setting up their own 10-year insurgency if they are not included," Sir Paul added.

He said the British government should seek to drive a wedge between the top of President Assad's regime and the bulk of its security services.

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Fresh rain raises UK flood fears

24 December 2012 Last updated at 07:14 GMT Scotland and the West Country are likely to bear to burnt of the Christmas Eve rain

Rain has returned to south-west England, bringing a renewed flood risk to areas already saturated by heavy downpours.

Forecasters predict the rain will sweep across England and Wales to Scotland, where it could be heavy and prolonged.

No trains are running between Bristol Parkway and Swindon due to flooding.

First Great Western services between London Paddington and Swansea will be diverted, extending journey times by up to 45 minutes.

Elsewhere, trains will not run between Exeter St Davids and Taunton until at least 28 December after earlier flooding, and flooding at Long Eaton is causing disruption to services between Derby and Nottingham.

A severe flood warning - posing a "danger to life" - remains in place for the River Cober at Helston in Cornwall.

The Environment Agency has issued about 140 flood warnings and more than 260 flood alerts for all regions in England and in Wales, with most in place across the Midlands and south-west England.

'Not welcome news'

In Scotland, 23 flood warnings are in place affecting Aberdeenshire, Caithness and Sutherland, Dundee and Angus, Tayside and the Borders.

BBC forecaster Laura Gilchrist said the fresh band of rain was not "welcome news" for flood-hit areas of the UK.

"The ground in many places is already saturated, and any rain will not help situations of flooding," she said.

On Sunday, houses were flooded and evacuated in Stoke Canon, near Exeter, and Stonehaven, near Aberdeen.

Up to 100 homes were evacuated in Stonehaven after the River Carron burst its banks and affected a number of streets in the centre of the town. Residents said water levels were waist-high.

In Stoke Canon, 30 properties have flooded, with at least 20 residents being moved to safety, after the River Exe burst its banks.

UK flooding minister Richard Benyon said on Sunday: "It's terrible to have your home or business flooded at any time of year, but for the families affected it's especially distressing for it to happen during the Christmas season.

"It's crucial people continue to be vigilant by keeping a close eye on the Environment Agency's flood warnings and allowing the emergency services to do their work."

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